Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simplify Freight Travel Operations With A Good Freight Trips Management Software

Freighter trips have become increasingly popular with tourists the world over. Unlike the conventional commercial cruise travels that we are familiar with, cruising on a freighter costs less, not to mention there's plenty of luggage allowance for passengers. Some people view freighter travels to be more of a relaxation vacation, and this is the reason why more and more sea travelers have grown to love and enjoy freighter trips.

The number of freighter tours operators have increased considerably over the past years and since the demand for this type of travel has risen significantly, there is a need for operators to use a software which can help organize freighter travel bookings.

Today, several software companies have come up with freighter trips management applications in order to facilitate travel bookings. These trips are not organized by typical travel agencies but by regular freighter staff so a professional application package such as PAX can help the person-in-charge manage freighter travels with ease and efficiency.

Among the advantages of using freighter trips management software are the serviceable and user-friendly screens, intuitive handling and built-in internet capability. Travel organizers can easily manage inquiries, quotes, and bookings as well as automatically calculate round trips and check cabin occupancy and voyages online.

Freighter travel booking involves a lot of documentation such as questionnaires for passengers, printed information about the ship and cabins, schedules, price lists, health certificates, etc. A freighter trips management software like PAX provides a direct link to each document for a smoother and simpler documentation process.

Other features of this type of freighter travel management application include:

• TO DO list
• Tickets
• Passenger manifest for the captain
• Automatic invoicing to customer and agency
• Check of incoming payments
• Owner accounting per month or quarter

Freighter trips organization can now be done with increased efficiency and effectiveness. Operators are assured that freight travels are planned and managed in professional capacity with the use of a cutting-edge shipping software solutions.

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