Nearly all shipping-related news and shipping company press releases declare loss of profits brought about by record breaking highs in bunker fuel costs. Even the largest global ocean shipping company recently announced in their first quarter report that they suffered losses amounting to USD $600 million. Other global shipping companies who reported losses include: Japanese NYK line with USD $903 million in losses for their 2011 fiscal year which ended on March 2012; France’s CMA CGM declared net losses of USD $30 million for their fiscal year which ended on December 2011; German ocean carrier Hapag-Lloyd’s first quarter net loss was USD $172 million; and Korea’s Hanjin shipping line posted a USD $295 million net loss for the first quarter.
As bunker fuel and container costs continue to pose problems, both liner shipping operators and logistics companies are looking for ways to reduce freight cargo transport expenses. It’s undeniable that the maritime shipping industry is indispensable for global trade. There are states which are entirely dependent on maritime trade for the continued development of their economy. While efforts to reduce bunker fuel prices and raise freight rates by shipping companies still fail to improve profits, these shipping companies can leverage recent technological developments in maritime shipping to their advantage. An good example of these technologies is a voyage calculation or voyage estimation software developed by reputable marine software companies.
A voyage estimation software will provide a shipping operators with accurate calculations of costs based on trade routes, vessel speeds, cargo weights and port calls. By alternating factors and comparing different results, operators can choose the most profitable route to take for transporting freight cargo.
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